The Starboard controller is a motion-interactive controller that uses a state of the art 9-degree-of-freedom sensor that accurately tracks user motion. It is equipped with wireless communication over traditional Bluetooth. The controller is powered by batteries much the same way other game controllers are and has an impressively long span, clocking over 24 hours even with heavy use.
The custom PCB is housed in a two-piece custom enclosure that the team 3D printed to fit in the palm of the user’s hand. It is designed to be suitable for both left and right handed users with symmetrical button placement.
StarPhone is a mobile app (available on iOS and Android) that enables players who do not have access to a StarBoard controller to play the game.
Landy Rocket
Landy Rocket is a video game that allows players to explore a small solar system. With a StarBoard or StarPhone controller, players are able to navigate across four planets using different vehicles such as a rocket-ship, a UFO, a tractor, and a sailboat.
The solar system and in-game flight mechanics are calibrated to ensure that players are able to intuitively explore the universe with simple hand gestures.
Landy Rocket also uses digital art, 3D modelling, sound design, and music to further enhance the game experience.